Samsung has launched Dual Sim variant of Galaxy Note 5 (SM-N9208ZSU) in India. It is the first Dual-Sim high-end device by Samsung. It is available on Samsung India E-store for the price of Rs.51400 (32 GB). Samsung has also announced 64GB variant at a price of Rs.57400 but this variant is not yet listed on company’s website at the time of writing this.
Samsung said it leads the smartphone market segment of Rs 30,000 upwards with a share of 48.1%. Samsung may extend the dual-sim strategy to other premium flagships such as the Galaxy Edge and Galaxy Edge Plus. Speaking to ET Samsung India’s director for product marketing Manu Sharma said, “In the high-end segment, we saw a very strong trend of people using dual-SIMs in our A-series smartphones. Consumers want a premium device, which has a local SIM and space for another SIM. We will continue doing products that will address an opportunity and we will drive the dual-SIM market in the premium segment, starting with the Note 5”.
The Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Dual sim comes with the same hardware as the single sim variant (SM-N920GZDA). The device is available in Gold, Black and Silver color on Samsung India Estore.
Samsung Galaxy Note 5 Dual Sim – Specifications
- 5.7 inch QHD Super Amoled display
- 2.1 GHz Octa-core Exynos 7420
- Android 5.1.1
- 32 / 64 GB storage
- 4 GB RAM
- 16 MP + 5 MP camera
- 3000 mAh Battery with Fast Charging, Wireless Charging
- Fingerprint Sensor