Update: Microsoft has officially announced Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL in India priced at Rs.43,699 and Rs.49,399 respectively. Both the devices go on pre-order starting today on Amazon, Reliance Digital stores and Microsoft Priority sellers. The users who pre-order the smartphones will get Microsoft Display Dock worth Rs.5,999 for free. The smartphones gone on sale on December 11, 2015.
Microsoft has finally unveiled long awaited Flagship lineup, Lumia 950 and 950 XL. We have seen trend of launching 2 devices at a time from Samsung (S6 & S6 Edge) and Google (Nexus 5X and Nexus 6P) in past. Microsoft also launched two devices sporting 5.2 inch and 5.7 inch respectively. As expected both devices are running on Windows 10 OS and comes with top line specifications. Let’s have a quick look at specifications.
Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL – quick specifications
Lumia 950 | Lumia 950 XL |
5.2 inch Amoled Display (2560 X 1440) | 5.7 inch Amoled Display (2560 X 1440) |
1.8GHz Hexa Core Snapdragon 808 | 2.0GHz Octa Core Snapdragon 810 |
32 GB storage + microSD support up to 200 GB | 32 GB storage + microSD support up to 200 GB |
3 GB RAM | 3 GB RAM |
Windows 10 | Windows 10 |
3000 mAh Battery | 3340 mAh Battery |
Size: 145 X 73.2 X 8.2 mm | Size: 151.9 X 78.4 X 8.1 mm |
Weight: 150 g | Weight: 165 g |
Gorilla Glass 3 | Gorilla Glass 4 |
Both devices sport WQHD display with resolution of 2560 X 1440 which comes to ppi of 564 on 5.2 inch display of Lumia 950 and ppi of 518 on 5.7 inch display of 950 XL. Display on Lumia devices feature Sunlight readability enhancements, High brightness mode, Wide viewing angle and an improved glance screen to check important notifications without waking up device.
Both devies come with 20MP rear camera with 6 lens optics, OIS, f/1.9 aperture and three LED Flash (including an extra RGB Natural Flash). Other camera features include Backside-illuminated inage sensor, PureView, True 16:9 sensor, Fast Focus and High resolution zoom. Main camera supports 4k video recording. Both devices also come with dedicated camera button and 5MP front-facing camera with f/2.4 aperture and it can also record videos in Full HD resolution.
Connectivity features on both devices include WiFi 802.11 b/g/n/ac, Blutooth 4.1, NFC, GPS and USB Type-C for charging and data transfer. Both devices support following 4G LTE bands.
- FDD LTE – Band 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 12, 17, 20 and 28
- TDD LTE – Band 38 and 40
Microsoft has added all necessary sensors on both devices like, Ambient Light Sensor, Accelerometer, Proximity, Barometer, Gyroscope, and Magnetometer.
Pricing and Availability
Lumia 950 and Lumia 950 XL are priced at $549 and $649 respectively. Both these devices will be available from November this year. Though Dual Sim variants of both device are listed on Microsoft India website, there is no details on pricing and availability in India.