After announcing last month, HTC One A9 is listed on Snapdeal with price tag of Rs.29990. The device was announced in international markets in late October this year. In India 32GB storage (3GB RAM) variant will be sold exclusively on Snapdeal. There is no information about availability of 16GB variant in India. HTC has priced it aggressively but it will be available in only Carbon Grey and Pearl Silver colors in the country. HTC had also announced the Desire 828 Dual SIM for India as well, but the company has not yet clarified its pricing or availability in the country.
HTC One A9 Specifications
- 5 inch Full HD Amoled Dislpay
- Single Sim (Nano sim) (4G LTE)
- Android 6 Marshmallow with HTC Sense
- 64-bit Octa core Snapdragon 617 (4 X 1.5GHz + 4 X 1.2GHz)
- Adreno 405
- 32 GB internal storage + MicroSD card support up to 2TB
- 3 GB RAM
- 13MP autofocus rear camera with OIS, f/2.0
- 4MP Ultrapixel front camera, f/2.0
- WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac
- Bluetooth 4.1
- Micro-USB 2.0
- Fingerprint Scanner
- 2150 mAh Battery
- Quick Charge 2.0
The iPhone look-a-like smartphone has all-metal unibody design with super thin frame with an elegant finish. It has 5 inch Full HD Amoled display with 2.5D Gorilla Glass 4 protection. It is HTC’s first device running on Android 6 Marshmallow out of the box. HTC America President, Jason Mackenzie, promised that the unlocked HTC One A9 will receive every Android OS update within 15 days of the Nexus range.
Both front and rear camera can shoot videos in Full HD. It supports RAW capturing and Hyperlapse (stabilized time-lapse) videos. The Smartphone will be available from December 15th, Registrations for the sale will start from today, 9th December, at 9.00 am on Snapdeal. Click HERE to register.